Just so you know who those weird people are who are always taking pictures and asking to interview you here’s a quick introduction to your 2018 Blog squad!
Yooo hi I’m Tori Tong, I’m a rising junior in Adams studying neurobiology with a secondary in music!!! I’m part of PRISE this summer and doing a comparative study of the genetic basis of defensive behaviour in different subspecies of North American mice (imagine jump scaring mice with circles on a screen)!!!
Hey guys! I'm Leon Yang, a rising sophomore in Mather House concentrating in Applied Math and Neurobiology with additional studies in Stats and CS. I am a PRISE fellow conducting immunology research this summer in the Cantor Laboratory at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. I am excited to both immerse myself in a vibrant laboratory setting and to connect with the brilliant scholars of the research village through illuminating talks and wonderful experiences.
Hi HSURV! My name is Raymond So, and I'm a rising sophomore in Dunster House planning on studying MCB. Right now, I'm a PRISE fellow studying the genetics of sleep; in particular, I'm trying to deduce what genetic variants are responsible for certain sleep abnormalities. It's really cool stuff, so if you're at all interested, feel free to come talk to me! I'm super excited about Waterfire, so hopefully I win that lottery! Crossing my fingers!
Hey everyone! My name is Emily Lopez and I'm a rising sophomore in Eliot House possibly concentrating in Molecular and Cellular biology with a secondary in Computer Science. I am doing PRISE working in a lab in Longwood on the genetics of type II diabetes. Don't worry I've almost found a cure ;) I'm so excited to go to Six Flags Amusement Park. I absolutely LOVE roller coasters! I am also looking forward to exploring Boston so you ever want to go on an adventure, hit me up!