Name: Olivia Velasquez
Year: 2019
Concentration: Integrative Biology
House: Quincy
Q: What program are you in, and what lab (location of the lab) are you in/ what research are you conducting?
A: I am a program assistant researching health equity at cambridge health alliance
Q: Describe your research in a few sentences
A :Looking at patient preferences in treating depression and diabetes
Q: How has your summer been? (compare to term time?)
A: I really like coming back to the research village after being a fellow myself. It has been really fun to get to know all the new fellows. I’ve also really enjoyed the warm weather compared to term time
Q: What has been your favorite memory so far/what was your favorite outing?
A: I went on my first hiking trip near white mountains with a group of friends one weekend
Q: What is something you have learned during the summer, whether it be academic, social, or personal?
A: I learned how to swing dance
Q: Something you want to accomplish this summer?
A: I really want to learn a new sport, maybe something like squash or cricket
Q: place you want to visit this summer?
A: I’m so excited to go to Providence and experience waterfire
Q: Favorite hobbies/ clubs?
A: I like to run, drink coffee, read books where I learn about another profession’s experiences
Q: What superpower would you want to have?
A: I would want to be invisible just so I can see what others lives are like without being creepy, even though that sounds kind of creepy
Q: In a movie about your life, who would play you?
A: Lacey Chabert from Mean girls. Lots of people say I look like her. I don’t really see it but I think it’s really nice because she is so pretty