Name: Sean Gibney
Year: 2019
Concentration: Molecular and Cellular Biology
House: Lowell
Q: What program are you in, and what lab (location of the lab) are you in/ what research are you conducting?
A: I am the lead PA working at the alessandrine transplant labs at MGH
Q: Describe your research in a few sentences
A: I am studying the mechanism that leads to organ tolerance in some animals. We are hoping to be able understand how tolerance works so that when we don’t have to shut down the immune system to a person to accept their own transplant.
Q: How has your summer been? (compare to term time?)
A: I love living in cambridge over the summer. I am able to enjoy the beauty of harvard's campus in a less stressful environment. It’s nice to enjoy just being here and leave work in the lab
Q: What has been your favorite memory so far/what was your favorite outing?
A: Going hiking in New Hampshire
Q: What is something you have learned during the summer, whether it be academic, social, or personal?
A: The best way to be a good friend is by listening
Q: Something you found interesting/ funny?
A: Puns. Always puns.
Q: Something you want to accomplish this summer?
A: See Mike Dutra and the strictly Sinatra band perform at the Boston Harbor Hotel
Q: A place you want to visit this summer?
A: Walden Pond
Q: Favorite hobbies/ clubs?
A: Netflix, investing in the stock market, intramural sports, CSA, hoco
Fun Questions
Q: If someone gave you 1000 lollipops, what would you do?
A: I want to melt them down and make one giant lollipop
Q: If animals could talk, which one would be the rudest?
A: Cats