Name: Wesley Shin
Year: 2021
Concentration: Chemistry
House: Levrett
Q:What program are you in, and what lab (location of the lab) are you in/ what research are you conducting?
A: PRISE, Martinos Bio imaging center at the navy yard
Q: Describe your research in a few sentences
A: Looking at metabolite concentrations in the brain, determine the effectivness of drugs on brain tumors
Q: How has your summer been? (compare to term time?)
A: Same as term time but more chill
Q: What has been your favorite memory so far/what was your favorite outing?
A: Going to watch the whales
Q: What is something you have learned during the summer, whether it be academic, social, or personal?
A: Learned how to calculate probability
Q: Something you found interesting/ funny?
A: Noam Elkies’ lecture
Q: Something you want to accomplish this summer?
A: I want to learn how to do a backflip
Q: A place you want to visit this summer?
A: Iceland
Q: Favorite hobbies/ clubs?
A: Playing the clarinet, like to hang out with friends, roasting Jubin
Q: If you could have dinner with one deceased person, who would it be and why?
A: My great x12 grandfather because he was a famous Korean King