Name: Stacy Jo
Year: 2021
House: Quincy
Concentration: Integrative biology
Q: What program are you in, and what lab (location of the lab) are you in/ what research are you conducting?
A: I am doing SURGH this summer, working at MEEI near MGH researching global prevalence of ventilation tubes in the ear through otitis media
Q: Describe your research in a few sentences
A: Currently I am working on lit review and having fun experiementing with 3D printing and analyzing commercial activities.
Q: How has your summer been? (compare to term time?)
A: Terrific I love that I get to have an experience that I never would have happened during term time like having such a flexible schedule.
Q: What has been your favorite memory so far/what was your favorite outing?
A: Hanging out with people in HSURV at Cambridge dance party
Q: What is something you have learned during the summer, whether it be academic, social, or personal?
A: I learned that I want to do clinical or lab work
Q: Something you found interesting/ funny?
A: I found out that a lot of older middle age guys like to dance at the havana club
Q: Something you want to accomplish this summer?
A: I want to succeed in 3D printing with the ROKIT 3D printer
Q: A place you want to visit this summer?
A: Museum of science
Q: Favorite hobbies/ clubs?
A: Expressions, AADT, singing and being a part of 21 CC, songwriting
Q: In a movie about your life, who would play you?
A: Mila Kunis or Lucy Liu because they are so badass